May. 19, 2014
Coming up steel beams
Remember those really big holes that we drilled into the ground a few weeks ago? Their 32-feet-tall matches made in heaven were dropped into place on Friday.
In the near future, aside from being a hot Hayes Valley conversation piece, the poles will be the steady base for Basic Training‘s monkey bar wall. Potential meanwhile uses will obviously traffic in the photo trickery arena, because a frame looming that large in the sky is hard not to play with on while Instagramming your way to work.
But you’re a smart person. You can probably intuit that even for load-bearing monkey bars, this structure is a bit overkill for that intended use. You would be right, amateur sleuth, but mum’s the word until a few logistical items are ironed out on our end. Check back for more info (hint: especially as we near July).