Mar. 24, 2014
Photos of PROXY: Biergarten
If people don’t immediately know what or where PROXY is, you can usually count on things clicking into place once you mention Biergarten: “Oh yeah, the beer garden in Hayes Valley!”
Biergarten is owned and managed by Aaron and Matt Hulme, the same brothers who own and operate long-time neighborhood favorite Suppenkuche, located a block west on Laguna and Hayes. Biergarten is one of the original PROXY vendors who first established the project as a place to gather and spend time soaking up the #beerlight.
Though Suppenkuche was originally going to cater Biergarten using cargo bikes, the German bar bites are made in a container fitted with all the trappings of a kitchen. The lines often extend beyond the chevron wooden gate at the entrance, but it moves relatively quickly and any dampened spirits are lifted once a beer and pretzel are in hand.