Mar. 20, 2020
2020 PROXY Spring Series Cancelled
We founded PROXY in 2010 with a mission to bring people together. And it’s with our community in mind, and in our hearts, that we announce the cancellation of the entire 2020 PROXY Spring Series of free outdoor film screenings, scheduled for March 20 through April 17.
Our local and state leaders have emphasized that each of us can play a crucial role in flattening the curve of the COVID-19 outbreak, and many of us are already doing our part. We’re staying home, doing the elbow bump, and washing our hands like never before. Canceling large public gatherings like our events at PROXY is another important measure.
While we may not be able to get together, let’s join in staying informed, checking in with our neighbors, and taking care of our loved ones, our community and ourselves. In the next several weeks we’ll be sharing some playlists, movie ideas, things we’re reading and observations as we weather this unusual time together.
As always, we’re stronger together.